The day we left Palawan Kevin got an awful cold and sore throat, which he generously shared with the rest of us:). When we arrived in Manila we found that the time we were planning to spend there was a busy time at the guesthouse, so we changed our travel plans to stay in Manila for a few days before heading up to Aritao. God worked it out so that we could rent a van with a friend, thus making our road trip easier and faster-- we got to Aritao in about 6 hours!

While in Manila Garry was able to have his eyes evaluated for laser surgery. We found that he would be a good candidate, though he would still need glasses for reading. We are considering the option, though he wants to do it sometime when he is not going to be flying for a while. We also enjoyed Starbucks, an afternoon of bowling, and some fun time at the malls in Manila. Unfortunately, my purse and several items of Kevin's were stolen while we were bowling. It gave us a new appreciate for the art and speed of thiefs!
One of the blessings of our time in Manila was an evening with some friends. The lady has just been diagnosed with a serious bone marrow disease. We were so encouraged by their perspective and encouraged by our time together!
We are now in Aritao, one of the former flight program bases. We are enjoying some time to relax in a climate that is slightly cooler. We're also asking lots of questions and gathering lots of information about life and the prospects for the flight program here.
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