Good evening..... or morning for most of you! Sunday. A wonderful day to reflect and relax. A day that can bring joy to our spirits and new life to our bodies. Peace, refreshment. Part of our day has been like that... a great conversation with the boys about Bible study, a nice walk (no sun this afternoon!), and a little coffee break. We also had some business questions and a few arrangements to make for tomorrow's flight.

As I reflect on the past week, I see busyness. The running around, the company in our house, the many relationships can easily begin to own me. My heart's desire is to see God, to hear God, to listen only to Him. But when I allow too many voices in my life His voice is easily drowned out.
My other reflection today has been on joy. I want to live life in God's reality, full of His joy, thankful for His grace, enabled by His Spirit. Yet it is easy to lose that joy, to begin to experience our circumstances as our reality, to get caught in the here and now and lose sight of eternity. So those are my ponderings for the day...
May your Sunday be blessed and may you be a blessing to those you interact with!
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