Monday, June 05, 2006

This morning I awoke to a call from my sister-in-law, saying my dad is in the hospital in Venezuela. We thought he had the flu, but it is actually dengue fever, which has complicated his heart condition. We're praying for my parents, and feel so far away right now. On the other hand, what a blessing to be able to use the phone and at least hear their voices!

Yesterday afternoon Bel (one of the girls that helps me) got a call from her family saying she needed to make a trip to Manila. It's a long story, and one deeply intertwined with local culture... but she left for Manila this morning. She hopes to get back soon, but since she doesn't have a return ticket it may be a while! Bel is such a blessing to me in not only accomplishing much of the work but in taking part of my load-- making the grocery list for the week, shopping, paying bills, and making sure the house is clean!

Jason did his first solo passenger flight today! It was a blessing to have Garry come home and share breakfast with us before heading back to the hangar. He also needed to take his cyle in to the shop here... the starter doesn't work. Now Jason and Garry are doing maintenance on the airplane. Jen and I hope to get together this afternoon to catch up a bit as well.

I'm finished with radio and traded the static for praise music. God is the ROCK in our lives, the reason behind what we do. He is also our sustainer, provider, and best friend.... the list is literally endless. We are safe in His hand and nothing essential to our well-being is ever at stake! A personal relationship with the Creator of the Universe-- who can believe the incredible privilege that is ours!


Tanya said...

We are praying for you guys and will be praying for your parents as well.

Garry and Cynthia Barkman said...

Thanks,guys! We appreciate your prayers and encouragement!